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Common failures and maintenance methods of controllers and motors
Source: | Author:pmo513a04 | Published time: 2019-01-07 | 2750 Views | Share:
Controller: it is the component that controls the motor speed, and is also the core of the electric system of electric vehicle.

1: power device damage, generally have the following possibilities: motor damage caused; The quality of the power device itself is poor or the grade of the power device is not enough; Caused by device installation or vibration loosening; Caused by motor overload; Damage to the drive circuit of the power device or unreasonable parameter design.

2. There are generally the following possibilities for damage to the power supply in the controller: short circuit in the controller; Short circuit of peripheral control unit; External lead short circuit.

3. The controller works intermittently, and generally has the following possibilities: the device itself drifts in the high or low temperature environment; The high power consumption in the overall design of the controller results in the high local temperature of some devices and the device itself enters the protection state. Poor contact.

4. There are generally the following possibilities for cable wear and poor contact or falling off of contact plugins: unreasonable wire selection; Incomplete protection of wires; Connector selection is not good; The wire harness and connector are not pressed securely.

Motor: a part that converts battery energy into mechanical energy and drives the wheels of electric vehicles to rotate. Motor according to high speed, low speed; Brush, brushless can be divided into high speed brush (brushless), low speed brush (brushless) motor.

Motor does not turn

1: fuse burned. This is a small Case. Just replace the fuse at a small cost.

2: the power switch is broken. Replace the power switch. This is a little bit more complicated, you need the tools.

Judgment method: turn on the power switch and measure the resistance between the input end and the output end of the power switch with the ohm gear of the multimeter. If the resistance value is zero, it is normal; if the resistance value is infinite, the power switch is bad and the power switch should be replaced.

Hall's broken handle. Diagnosis: measure the output voltage of the green line at the output end of the converter with the dc voltage range of the multimeter. If there is 1-4.2 voltage output, the converter is normal; if there is no voltage output, the converter is burnt out, and the converter needs to be replaced.

The controller is broken. Test method: use the dc voltage of the multimeter to measure the red wiring of the output terminal of the controller (the plug of the adapter wire). If there is a voltage output of about 5 volts, the controller will be normal. If there is no voltage output, the controller will be burnt out and the controller needs to be replaced.

The thread is loose. Please recheck each plug of the motor to see if there is any thread with bad contact. Or the battery box is not in place when put into the frame, the contact is not good.

3: motor burnt out. This is the most afraid to meet the situation, the replacement of the motor is very expensive to say. Test method: disconnect the connection between the motor and the controller, connect the rest of the wires, slowly turn the motor, use the multimeter to measure the hall line to see if there is any voltage change in the signal, if there is no change in one phase, it is the motor hall component burned off, causing the lack of phase, need to replace the motor.

Slow motor speed

4: adjust handle, photosensitive plate and photosensitive tube to store dirt. Treatment: clean or replace the photosensitive plate to wipe the photosensitive tube.

5: the components in the speed control handle are locally damaged. Treatment: replace the speed control handle.

6. Low battery, insufficient charge or not charged. Treatment: replace battery or charger and check other possibilities.

7: motor failure. Treatment: replace the motor.

8: the controller is out of order. Solution: replace the controller.

The motor turns and stops

9. Low battery. Charge or replace batteries

10: battery contact is poor. Adjust contact position or polish contact

11: bad contact between safety tube and safety seat in battery box. To adjust or replace in good condition

12: speed control handle inner photosensitive plate, photosensitive tube has dirt. Clean or replace the film and wipe the tube. Still can not remove the trouble, replace the speed control handle

13: speed control handle lead seems to be broken. Replace or repair leads

14: brake power off switch is out of order. Adjust or replace the brake power off switch

15: bad contact of power lock after ablation. Replace or repair power locks

16: virtual connection of in-line connector. Reinsert to make good contact

17: virtual welding and connection of carbon brush, wire and windings in the motor. Repair or replace motor